Infusions from plants are not only useful, but also harmful. Even a harmless mint transform a man in a powerless old men!
Medicinal herbs – a powerful healing agent, but only if you exclusively for the purpose and taking into account all side effects. Do not forget that men and women have completely different hormones, so that's what a woman good, man can also be very bad. Some plants contribute to the weakening of sexual function slowly and make a healthy guy in passive impotent.

Herbs, which are helpful for the health of men
Chromium – an important Element for the maintenance of the health of the man, it improves the carbohydrate metabolism, improves endurance, helps a ramp, the beautiful embossed muscles. Nature has berry chromium Garcinia cambogia extract, centaury, and leaves of the bilberry and mulberry.
Zinc protects the prostate against cancer, supported on a high level of male activity that allows the normal function of the male reproductive glands and helps in the development of healthy sperm. In addition, this Element is important for the eyesight – you want to favorite noticed how quickly you grow long hair and what at you a beautiful skin. Source of zinc the leaves of the birch, bilberry and bearberry, horsetail, milk Thistle, sage, calendula, rosehip.
Magnesium is another Element for a healthy and long life of the beloved. It prevents Stress, accelerates the metabolism, improves the mobility of sperm. Contains Magnesium useful herbs for men: Viola Tricolor, white bedstraw, tansy, root of an elder black, beans, clover, and rose hips.
Testosterone is the main male hormone, converting the young man. In the case of reduction likely to be the reverse process. Herbs increase testosterone in men especially, Ginseng and Eleutherococcus. You raise the production of this key hormone and contribute to an increase in the activity of the sperm. And Ginseng the production of the stress hormone suppressed, destructive acting testosterone.
Also for the production of the male hormone, nettle leaves and dandelion. You can serve it to salads and soups, with grilled meats and scrambled eggs. Well, the tincture chinensis and the juice of its fruit helps.

Ginger – an amazing plant, the knowledge of many women who lose weight want. But the spicy root is very useful, not only for women but also for men. Tea or coffee with ginger, and its addition to different dishes makes a man strong, cheerful, self-confident, strengthens the muscles, helps in physical and mental work.
Run a little to the next topic, but don't forget the fact that ginger not only fight well with Prostatitis, but also increases the potency, improves the blood circulation in sexual Organ. In addition, ginger rejuvenates the body, which means that next to you is always full of energy and Lust for a handsome young lion!
Herbs, improving the potency
In order to cope with his beloved in the elegant lovers, not necessarily buy viagra him with this important task properly selected herbs for the potency of men, if you systematically.
Rhodiola rosea is a great herbal power engineers, gives the weary man, the power, and fills it with energy. Tibetan Ginseng has long been used by the representatives of the stronger sex for the increase of the duration of sexual intercourse and prevent premature ejaculation.
Ginko Biloba improves oxygen saturation, and, similar to viagra, promotes a rush of blood to the sexual Organ resulting in rapid erection. In addition, a plant, improves the memory, which means that the favorite forget that it is waiting at home and would not be delayed after work to friends.
Hawthorn is a wonderful plant, ozdoravlivayusche to act, and tonic heart. But in addition to the cardiological help, the fruits of this shrub to restore and improve erectile function and increase the Libido.
A rich composition of sainfoin Siberian makes it a strong tool in the fight against impotence and decreased Libido. In its composition a lot of Vitamin C, plant enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins.
Male Orchis, commonly known as calamus swamp, differs a pronounced tonic effect, but volatile, in the root, successfully struggling with erectile dysfunction.
Be sure to grass increase potency in men, available and known, especially parsley and Dill is also a good helper woman turn wants her flaccid husband in the passionate don Juan. Regularly add it to salads and side dishes.

As a man's drink, in order to accelerate the conception
In the case of infertility is the fault of the women is not always, very often, to get pregnant does not work due to the low activity and low vitality of sperm. So not in the run-up to the possible baby's life up to the place of conception, or not until the meeting with the egg. Struggling with this Problem herbs for men help for the conception: seeds of plantain, Adonis, youth.
In male infertility, traditional healers advise to take a decoction made from the fruits of hawthorn, carrots, juice, and Mumijo, Infusion knotweed, a decoction of the root of Adam, a decoction of Platan, the Infusion of sage. If the brew of herbs in no time, then we can drink every morning, fresh juice of celery.
For men is very important Vitamin E is, its source, sea buckthorn, and all of the products from this wonderful plant. Pumpkin is hardly any grass, but did not lose their Vitamin and mineral composition from the eyes. Equally beneficial for men pumpkin seeds – they have a lot of zinc and other important elements for the stronger sex.
Plants, the potency and the reduction of the desire
Not all plants are safe for men, woman not to ruin should not know which herbs to brew the men, from ignorance of his male power.
The main enemy of the male passion – mint, reduces the amount of testosterone in the blood. Of course, if you want your favorite to go into a lengthy business trip, then you can also with him an aromatic tea with mint, but if you at home you need a hero-lover, to hide it from him this soothing and lowers Libido drink. In addition, it is proved that Menthol rich mint, reduced sperm motility, and a man who loves this taste, it will be problematic father.

Melisa has not only the pleasant lemon scent and taste, but also the peculiarity of blunting desire. Similar properties observed, and other fragrant herbs – Oregano. This man better not experiment with the herbal teas with Oregano – otherwise it is a passive lazy cat lying on the Couch in front of the TV.
St. John's wortproves to be virtually harmless to animals, but dangerous for male potency. So, if it is recommended for the treatment of a disease, it is better to find an Alternative and not to risk.
Now for you it hurts to know what herbs can not drink men, but please do not ruin the health of their own half, even if you have something!